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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Being HORNY!!!

This is one feeling I adore as a human; I think everyone would if they have someone to share this feeling with but when you don't and you have to jerk off then it sucks. Its a known fact that men have high sexual appetite than most women but there are some women that are expections like Crappe(THE GIRL). And No girls I am not at all degrading you or anything; its just the fact and you got such advantage in sex than we do. The biggest one is MULTIPLE ORGASM; man what a pleasureful experience that would and instead we men can achieve only one at a time and after that we need so much time to recover. Come on girls don't you feel superior to us now. And you are have the power in bed than we do cuz lets face it you get to say yes or no in the matter as for us anytime anywhere its okay for us even its for a quickie. 

So about being horny its sometimes so hard for us to be in that state you know, let me explain, last week I was in a meeting and out of no where I get this raging hard on and no matter if count to trillion backward it wouldn't go down. Now tell wouldn't this be freaking joke here my superiors are discussing a new product and I am ther with this hard on and I am not able to get single word into my head. And mostly we can't even stand up when our, men, gun is loaded. But you girls you simple can hide it so easily when you are horny cause there is no outward sign that indicates your status. So girls you got a great deal here in sexual organs :P. 

Okay now I want to tell you girls out there something that sometimes you feel insecure about once discovered about your men. Its about guys masturbation even if they are in relationship and even if you guys have sex. Well don't feel insecure about that feeling that you don't satisfy your men when actually its just a urge that guys get even if they are highly satisfied sexually. Its just in our genes to once do it on our own and lets face it every guy has jerked off long before having sex with anyone. We satisfied ourself like that long before you guys came into our lives and as they say old habits die hard but let me assure a well satisfied man's masturbation would be lessened like 90%. So its not about you girls that we guys masturbate once in a while. So all guys and girl enjoy safe sex and be happy. Chao!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely feeling superior right now LMAO!

    And good point you brought up, about girls feeling insecure when guys masturbate even when they're in a relationship and having sex.
